by smuldowney | Apr 20, 2016 | Training
This round of training has been significantly more challenging than when I trained for MCM. Working full time plus, New England winter, Brenna’s activities, and sickness have all had an impact on my ability to get my training in. So, I did what I have heard countless times in yoga:

I used to ask myself “What does that mean?” During Week 10, it meant resting as opposed to following the training plan 100%, which meant I did one short easy run on Thursday and my long run on Saturday (which I cut down from 16-18 to 14 miles). During week 11, I opted once again for more rest days, but did manage to get in two shorter runs and a 10 miler on Saturday. Listening to my body meant taking walk breaks during the weekday runs. The result was I felt strong during my long run where I ran a NS 5 [10:05] and 5 [9:41]. The bottom line is I ran 36.5 miles for the first two weeks of this training cycle and ran 36.9 miles for week 3. I think the rest did me good. I was able to run 3 shorter runs and one LONG run [20 miles] during this stressful work week. I must say that my long run was great. The weather was sunny and 48* and I started out chilly wearing my mittens, short sleeve shirt, arm sleeves and capris. By mile 2, the mittens were off. I fueled with gels and some beans, and had my hydration pack. I managed to do a NS 10 [11:15] and 10 [10:14], which was probably a little fast for a long run with an average pace of 10:40. I did stop at mile 10 to change over from my audiobook [Fangirl] to music, as well as for a potty break in the woods. I am looking forward to receiving my new pair of Saucony Ride 8s from Amazon and beginning the last 6 weeks of my training for the Vermont City Marathon!

by smuldowney | Mar 29, 2016 | Training
Week 7
- Long run – 15 miles (most yet)
- ran 4 days ( 2 days outside)
- cross trained 2 days – strength and skiing

Week 8
- Ran 5 days (2 days outside)
- Long run – 13.1 miles (New Bedford half-marathon) – new PR!

- total mileage 27.85 miles
Week 9
- Long run – 7.5 miles
- ran 3 days
- Cross trained 2 days – skiing at Jay Peak
- feeling sick (sore throat, coughing, runny nose)

by smuldowney | Mar 9, 2016 | Training
I faced many challenges during this segment of my training, but…

week 4 – total mileage 30 miles
- February school vacation
- travelled to Georgia for surprise 50th anniversary party for my in-laws
- ran 5 days (2 days outside)
- had 3 double workout days which included yoga, Piyo, and strength
week 5 – total mileage 16.5 miles
- travelled home from Georgia
- ran 3 days (1 day outside)
- crosstrained 2 days – yoga
week 6 – total mileage 13.66 miles
- ran 3 days (all treadmill)
- got the stomach bug
- cut long run (13-15 miles) really short and ran 5 miles
- crosstrained 2 days – yoga and skiing
by smuldowney | Feb 16, 2016 | Training
The first 3 weeks of training are done and I am feeling pretty good. I have decided to make some adjustments to this cycle of marathon training including spinning as my cross training. I will continue to do yoga once a week as well. My plan calls for running 4-5 days per week along with 1 rest day, so I may have to double up on some days. So, here are the paces I will be running during this training cycle. I have decided to put in my race pace at 9:50 which would result in a finish time of 4:17:49 [highly unlikely, but it is nice to dream!].

Week 1 – 1/25 – 18.32 miles
This was the most miles I have run since the week of 10/19/15 [last week of MCM training]. I am still trying to get comfortable in my new shoes. Using the Saucony insoles just does not work for me, but my favorite inserts are old and need to be replaced, so I have been switching out and trying the other two pairs I own.

Week 2 – 2/1 – 25.53 miles
This week included a strength training day, 4 runs including a race, and some yoga.
Week 3 – 2/8 – 21.5 miles
Spinning, yoga, and lots of treadmill miles this week for me.
Positives: I have increased my water intake by using my new Tervis water bottle, which was a Christmas present from my SIL, Allison.

Issues: nagging knee discomfort off and on as well as lower back tightness and soreness especially on longer runs.
by smuldowney | Oct 24, 2015 | Training
During week 17, I ran on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for a total of 13 miles. Four days of running felt weird, but I had to trust in my training plan. I also managed to get to yoga one day, which felt amazing and I can’t wait to incorporate it more into my weekly training post marathon. I did manage to get 30 minutes extra of sleep per night.

During week 18, I ran on Monday and Wednesday only for a total of 7 miles. My focus for the week was getting more sleep and increasing my water intake. At the beginning of this week, I wished for marathon day to come quickly. After 17 weeks of training, I felt ready to tackle this huge challenge!
by smuldowney | Oct 12, 2015 | Training

Monday – 3 easy miles + 7 strides on NRRT – 61* cloudy – average pace was 9:47 with final mile 9:17 – felt good
Tuesday – Rest Day
Wednesday – 4 miles with middle 2 @ race pace [9:53, 9:49] – average pace was 10:19 – neighborhood loop with Brian joining me for the first [almost] 2 miles
Thursday – 4.55 miles on the treadmill – 20min. wu, 6×1 @ 8:34, 10 min. cd – this was a tough workout which included 2 bathroom trips due to stomach cramping – Fritos are not a good pre-run snack!
Friday – 4 easy miles on the treadmill were not easy and I needed to take walk breaks at the mile markers. average pace was 12:00
Saturday – Rockingham Recreational Trail – 9 miles – This was my first time on this trail. It varied in width, surface, and surroundings and crossed many roads.

Sunday – Rest Day