Monday: I decided to run my 3 easy miles at the 2015 Mine Falls Trail Series-#7 in Nashua, NH, on July 13, 2015. My bestie ran with me and we chatted for most of it. I finished in 35.5 minutes and placed 109/140. I also received this message today!
Tuesday: I ran my 5 miles with the mid-3 at race pace [10:13]. It was 81* and cloudy this afternoon after work. My legs felt heavy and it was hard to get to my race pace (10:04-10:08).
Wednesday: Today’s cross training consisted of a 45 minute boot camp session in a park. This was a different kind of workout for me and it definitely challenged me.
Thursday: Today’s negative split 6 mile run felt great and I was able to do the 2-2-2 without much difficulty. It was 64* and sunny. The rail trail was a perfect place for this run.
Friday: 66* and sunny made for a great easy 3 miles at a 10:15 pace. This run felt really good and I probably went faster than I should have for an easy run.
Saturday: Today’s afternoon run felt good. It was 77* and cloudy for my 8 miles on the Nashua River Rail Trail. I averaged a 10:43 pace. ** I need to remember bug spray next time!!! I used my Fuel belt with some Gatorade and gels. This turned out to be a great run.
Sunday: REST DAY
Total Weekly Mileage: 25.5