This week was a cut back week and I only ran 3 days for a total of 16 miles. I did do yoga twice and had 2 rest days. I definitely listened to my body when I came to Friday. I had woken up with such a bad sore throat which only got worse throughout the day. I was exhausted after working my first 5 day week since school is back in session and decided not to run an easy 3 miles. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was lie down, which is what I did. For those of you who know me, you know that is not like me. It was the right decision and I woke up on Saturday feeling much better and had a great run. I only took my hand held water bottle with NUUN and no other fuel since I was only doing 7 miles.
I think I have my race day outfit chosen – Reebok capris, Team Beef tank, Old Navy bra, and Jockey cotton undies.
I continued testing my new sneakers on the treadmill for the first 2 runs. I had initially just switched out the inserts from the Ride 6 to the Ride 7, but the shoes are different and the fit was off. I finally decided to switch out the inserts and put those from my New Balance in the Ride 7. Good news – they work! I finally decided to use them outside for my long run and had no issues. I am glad I have the next 5 weeks to break them in.