Monday – This speed interval workout was done with little difficulty. Total mileage: 3.2
Tuesday – Today’s evening run on the NRRT was an 8 mile negative split second half. I started out a little bit faster than I should have which made running the second half faster more challenging. Average pace: 10:29
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – long run onNRRT – quick stop to pee at Rite Aid – saw Brian who was out on his long bike ride – fueled with gels and beans – mile 16 was my slowest – last 3 miles NS – left ankle felt week and had some dull pain which subsided – I was tired at the end, but who wouldn’t be. My longest run ever went really well. Total mileage 18
Friday – NYC sightseeing – We walked 10.5 miles. I wore my Skechers sandals and did not have any real issues, but my quads were sore.
Saturday – NYC sightseeing – We walked 11.5 miles. I wore my Skechers sandals and felt like my left knee had fluid in it and my left ankle started to be funky again.
Sunday – Rest – I opted out of running an easy 3 miles today since my left ankle continued to bother me. I am hoping that ice and some rest will do the trick.
Total mileage: 29.2